Mondo Mini Shows Newsletter
From: Mondo Mini Shows
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 2:16 PM
To: fiction@lmi.net
Subject: FW: Catherine Zeta Jones Bares All
Dear Alan,
Is that tree still dropping needles on your carpet? Are you still humming holiday music? Get with the program, people - it's January! Time for resolutions, quarterly taxes, football playoffs. Same crap, different year. What, you thought this millennium was gonna be any different?
Hugs not Drugs for Thugs
Are Stubby and Cecil daft enough to get mixed up in the narcotics trade? Find out when our lads review the movie Traffic on Thugs on Film.
Let the Buyer Beware
Maybe there's nuttin' wrong with candy, but those vending machines are another story. Nutty learns what you get when you gotta have it on Happy Tree Friends.
Have you adopted a Happy Tree Friends Smoochie yet? It's impossible not to love Cuddles the Rabbit to death -- show all your friends!
Push the Blue Button, Puh-leeze
Oh, those tortured artists on that treadmill of fame. Radiohead's Thom Yorke confesses that he did it for the kibble on Like, News.
Validate her Needs, Man
And finish that Toni Morrison book while you're at it. Let Oprah control your joy as you blow up your barriers and go up the river on The God & Devil Show.
This Modern World
America's New Governor seems too Dang Familiar
Piki & Poko Adventures in StarLand
Bad Candy! For the Sake of Corn, Courage is Born!
Heavy Metal Guy
Storytime with Evil Queen and Hot Young Babe-age
Absolute Zero
Trying Hard to Forget the Year in Music
Castaway Bulbo Shakes the Tree
FishBar: The Motion Picture. Too Big for the Internet.
Already partying like it's 2999,
the Mondo Mini Shows team